Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Deck is Done!!!!

     Yes! Yes! Yes the deck is DONE!!
I have my boat back and it is relatively
orderly again.  What a task.  It looks
beautiful and feels wonderful!! Almost
sensual at least to those of us who
really appreciate teak. Everyone who
looks at it has to touch it.  It is actually
kind of funny.  I personally love
walking on it with bare feet.
     Well this was cause for celebration
and as if the upcoming Carnival is not
enough celebrating we had to have
a "deck warming" on Jasdip. It again
must have been some sort of record for
the # of folks in the cockpit.  We truly
packed in the bodies and it was great fun.
The usual suspects, those who already
had their deck done and those who will
have theirs done (it is highly contagious).

   There are several though,
that don't even want to have
anything to do with teak, or
any other wood for that matter
and those folks can appreciate teak
from afar only......

   Got to get going, Carnival
starts today and I must be ready.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

In Between the Deck work there is some fun to be had!

Getting Ready
   Last Friday and Saturday
there were two shows each
night of these extraordinary
acrobats!  The show took
place on their sailboat and
they virtually swung in the
rigging and climbed all over\
the boat. The first show was
sort of a Keystone Cops type
with exaggerated slapstick
of the trials and tribulations
The Audience
of couples sailing. Very
Funny!!  The next one (this is
the one I got pictures of) was
a romantic "Dance" on the
boat.  They were great!
The gratuities they received will
be used to fund their cruise around
the world and some goes to local
charities in the cities they visit.
Bravo on them!!

The beginning



They left me almost

            Then of course the Deck.  It is almost done today (Thursday).
Got to get back to work!!