Sunday, April 7, 2013

Whales of Magdalena Bay

  Well I finally got to see the
whales.  I had wanted to go
for the past two seasons but
just couldn't get it organized.
It certainly helps to have ones'
own car.  I decided to go and
my neighbor Mary on Jade
Dragon was available to go
with me so I didn't have to go
Birds in the Mangroves where the baby whales are borne.
alone. We
headed north to
San Carlos. It
was about a 3-4 hour drive.
Got in, found the Hotel Brennan
and met out guide for the next
morning.  Enrique Jr. said he
wanted to leave the hotel
by 7 am. Mary and I settled in
and went to find dinner.
   The next morning
Mom with a very young calf
we were really
ready for these
whales! The
rest is in the

"Spy Hopping"

Mom under the baby

San Carlos

My adventure partner,  Mary

Mom feeding her brood and none too quietly I might add!

It is almost as good as duct tape!
This was a plugged in broken off light bulb in our hotel room!
I love Mexico!

Pretty sure they meant WATCHING not WASHING!
Make your own "bloody mary" at this place!

 On our way out of town we found
a great little hotel and restaurant.
We stopped for late breakfast
and a "bloody mary" and found the
best food!!! We also liked the
small casitas where we could stay
the next time for the same amount and
they had a beautiful view and the
sounds of water!!


  Good bye Hotel Brennan, San Carlos and the whales! Until next time....